Message from the desk of Director General

Dr. Sanjeev Kishor Goutam

As we leave behind an unprecedented year with landmark accomplishments, I am deeply humbled and honoured to take the helm as Director General of the National Gallery of Modern Art. Under my stewardship, the museum shall resolutely adhere to its imperatives of knowledge dissemination on Indian modern art and contemporaneous art praxis while sustaining an inclusive and equitable space for the community stakeholders.

Amplifying the museum's allegiance with our ebullient indigenous creative traditions, we envision working in unison with artisans. We shall empower artisans to self-curate spaces of convergence where art enthusiasts converse, witness their vivacious process, and try traditional techniques. Likewise, the NGMA strives to remove existing crevices between indigenous creative practices and canonised academic art, encouraging public appreciation for both. Building on our commitment, we are forging intricate partnership with skilled weavers, embroiderers and natural dye specialists, to craft exceptional souvenirs. These collaborations ennoble our artisans and inspire knowledge transmission, an outcome far exceeding mere income.

In our shifting cultural terrain, the purpose and relevance of museums in the service of the public are being constantly revisited and rethought. The National Gallery of Modern Art is positioned at the carrefour of such global museal enquiries. Equally as important as integrating modern visual art, we represent the purport of local and global intangible creative expressions. This includes traditional music and theatre, experimental films and music, and performance art. Through this, our museum becomes an accessible space where emerging artists, both local and global, undercut the normative role of art in societies. These initiatives shall spark public dialogues on pressing social and ecological predicaments of our time. With an eye on a sustainable future, we gaze on the path ahead with sanguinity.