• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    Album No. - 4 (A Landscape) 7130 Nandalal Bose Pencil on postcard

According to the inscription, this landscape drawing was made in the year 1934. The artist has used swift lines to create a rippled effect in the mass of the landscape with a row of trees in the horizon. The artist has also depicted two seated figures with their form variably visible. Sonya Rhie Quintanilla in the book, 'Rhythms of India: The Art of Nandalal Bose' refers to Nandalal's continued interest in making drawings and sketches. She says, 'Throughout his life Nandalal created many thousands of drawings using different linear styles ad media, as though each style and technique were a dialect of the same language and each a way to reach the underlying unity of creation.'