• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    A Sketch from Album No. 62 8622 Nandalal Bose Watercolour on postcard

Through his various exploratory nature studies, as this one above, Nandalal Bose created a visual language by the use of monochromatic tones and simple brush strokes to model and bring about a corporeality of form and substance. Nandalal Bose in his book 'Vision and Creation' writes, "A tree grows upward; it is driven by a singular urge to spread towards the sky- trunk, branch and leaf. The trunk is like the tree's backbone; so its characteristic rhythm has to be drawn first; then its main structure with branch and twig; and finally, the total image with its bunches of leaves and shoots...". In the above painting, the fluid brush strokes and their strong delineation in the calligraphic style gives a textured rendition to the trunk of the tamarind tree, accentuating its robustness and strength.