• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    A Sketch from Album No. 63 8637 Nandalal Bose Pen & Ink on postcard

Nandalal's exploration of the different ways of delineating a line allowed him to experiment in representation of lines in its varying forms adding rhythm, vigour and life to the form of the figures. In the above drawing, Nandalal showcases his prowess in delineating in detail the body of a man, possibly a fisherman taking out the fishes from his bag, while adding some attributes such as the feather on his turban and the drapery on his shoulder. Nandalal Bose in his book, 'On Art' has written- "Art is rhythm. For, idea, form, colour and movement attain to an aesthetic pitch solely through rhythm......It is the rhythm which unites indivisibly ends and means and materials; rules out all deviations from true purpose and waste of energy."