• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    A Sketch from Album No. 63 8646 Nandalal Bose Watercolour on postcard

Through his various exploratory nature studies, as this one above, Nandalal created a visual language by the use of monochromatic tones and simple brush strokes to model and bring about a corporeality of form and substance. In the above postcard, Nandalal illustrates a goat strolling in the thicket of a forest in different monochromatic tones of black colour. The use of varying grey tones can specially be seen in the leaves of the tree that the artist observed and studied carefully the minutest of details as the shape of the trunk of tree or the leaves they bore. Nandalal Bose in his book, 'On Art' has written- "Nature is life itself and teeming always with infinite variety; it is in her that the artist always renews his experience and finds an unceasing flow of inspiration."