• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    A Sketch from Album No. 63 8653 Nandalal Bose Watercolour on postcard

Nandalal's use of the fluid handling of the line and their strong delineation was the influence of the Far Eastern art practices. Nandalal understood the significance of the use of lines and experimented frequently in their execution from fine lines to being thick contouring lines and executed in a calligraphic fashion. The above postcard shows a large stream of water flowing in a channel, diagonally cutting the landscape. Nandalal's rough but vigorous brush strokes lends force to the flowing stream, adding a dynamic character to the composition. Nandalal Bose in his book, 'On Art' writes- "Art is rhythm. For, idea, form, colour and movement attain to an aesthetic pitch solely through rhythm......It is the rhythm which unites indivisibly ends and means and materials; rules out all deviations from true purpose and waste of energy."