• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    A Sketch from Album No. 85 9188 Nandalal Bose Watercolour on postcard

Nandalal adept in the Chinese and Japanese brush techniques has in this monochromatic painting emphasised on the tonal variations of the colour for precise and recognisable rendition of a village landscape with the distinctive form of a densely grown tree. The use of varying ink tones can specially be seen in the leaves of the tree that the artist observed and studied carefully the minutest of details as the shape of the trunk of tree or the leaves they bore. Nandalal Bose in his book 'Vision and Creation' writes, "A tree grows upward; it is driven by a singular urge to spread towards the sky- trunk, branch and leaf. The trunk is like the tree's backbone; so its characteristic rhythm has to be drawn first; then its main structure with branch and twig; and finally, the total image with its bunches of leaves and shoots..."