• NGMA India

    Nandalal Bose

    Architectural Design from Sketch Book No.6 10494 Nandalal Bose Pencil on paper

Nandalal preferred drawing from life, often sketching outdoors with his subject being life, nature studies, landscapes, figure drawings, animals, etc. The artist also had a keen fascination for studying the architectural traits particular to different regions and the modifications that can be seen with the change in terrains. Often these sketches were done from the sojourns and experiences and of the artist to various places. Though small in scale they were invigorating with the rich detailing of the artist's observations of the architectural features. In this pencil sketch the artist has observed the facade of probably a brick temple from the vast complex of the Bishnupur temple town in Bengal known for their elaborately decorated terracotta temples. The temples from this region are particularly noted for their conical, thatched-hut like and pyramidal roofs with multiple arches in their architecture and the richly adorned terracotta panels narrating the tales from epics and other historical episodes.